Our Vanishing Cousins

by Revilo P. Oliver (Liberty Bell, December 1985) SINCE THE PUBLICATION of the late Robert Ardrey’s African Genesis in 1971, the mountain gorilla has been a species of particular interest to us, if we take an intelligent interest in our Read More …

Academic Prostitution

by Revilo P. Oliver (Liberty Bell, September 1985) MANY READERS of Professor Arthur Butz’s incisive demolition of the Jews’ filthy Holohoax, The Hoax of The Twentieth Century, have asked the question that the author himself asked: “Why was it necessary Read More …

The Shadow of Empire: Francis Parker Yockey After Twenty Years

by Revilo P. Oliver (The American Mercury, June 1966) IN 1857, less than fifty thousand British troops overawed and held in check the whole of the teeming subcontinent of India while suppressing the mutiny of almost a quarter of a Read More …