NEW  The Biocentric Metaphysics of Ludwig Klages | Introduction to Cosmogonic Reflections | Aphorisms 1-100 | Aphorisms 101-200 | Aphorisms 201-300 | Aphorisms 301-400 | Aphorisms 401-515 | A Letter On Ethics and Imagination and the Images | The Problem of Socrates and Images and their Messages | Reflections on "Psychoanalysis" | Man and Earth | Soul and Spirit | Selected Poetry | Consciousness and Life | Rosenberg contra Klages | Webmaster: Kevin Alfred Strom | Kevin Alfred Strom Historical Archive

Introductory Note

by Joe Pryce

THESE APHORISMS, essays, and recollections in prose are numbered seriatim. The idea was to construct a sort of voelkisch vade-mecum out of Klages's works that might resemble the Heraclitean "Fragments" in its contours as well as in its "darkness."

I may be mistaken, but I believe that aphorisms -- especially pregnant and profound aphorisms -- might be the best introduction to a world of dazzling, and, yes, difficult, philosophy. Thus this first release of my translations. More are in progress.

Klages's most controversial texts (the monographs on Stefan George and Alfred Schuler being the most important in this regard) have been excluded from the Collected Works, a fate that has also befallen the posthumous editions of Celine, Philip Larkin, and Gottlob Frege; the relevant portion of the "Einleitung" [over 100 pages!] to the Schuler-book, in fact, has been called the most incisive criticism of "those who must not be criticized" ever penned.

"All Eros is Eros of distance (Eros der Ferne)." 

Without Klages, nulla salus est for The West. I'm sure of this.

 -- J. C. C., New York City, 14th May 2001.

Translated by Joe Pryce from the original sources. For reference, notes refer to the more easily obtainable texts:

AC=Klages, L. Zur Ausdruckslehre und Charakterkunde. Heidelberg. 1926. 

AG=Klages, L. Ausdrucksbewegung und Gestaltungskraft. Munich. 1968.

LK GL=Schroeder, H. E. Ludwig Klages Die Geschichte Seines Lebens. Bonn. 1966-1992. 

PEN=Klages, L. Die psychologischen Errungenschaften Nietzsches. Leipzig. 1926

RR=Klages, L. Rhythmen und Runen. Leipzig. 1944. 

SW=Klages, L. Sämtliche Werke. Bonn. 1965-92.

NEW  The Biocentric Metaphysics of Ludwig Klages | Introduction to Cosmogonic Reflections | Aphorisms 1-100 | Aphorisms 101-200 | Aphorisms 201-300 | Aphorisms 301-400 | Aphorisms 401-515 | A Letter On Ethics and Imagination and the Images | The Problem of Socrates and Images and their Messages | Reflections on "Psychoanalysis" | Man and Earth | Soul and Spirit | Selected Poetry | Consciousness and Life | Rosenberg contra Klages | Webmaster: Kevin Alfred Strom | Kevin Alfred Strom Historical Archive

Translation by Joe Pryce ©2001, all rights reserved. HTML ©2001 Kevin Alfred Strom. Webspace provided by