The Writings of Revilo P Oliver 1908-1994


by Professor Revilo P. Oliver

(Liberty Bell, September 1986)

The theory of biological evolution requires no proof. It is the only reasonable and logically plausible explanation of the origin and development of life on this planet that has been thus far proposed. For rational men, there is no alternative.

During the past decade, however, artful hokum-peddlers, abetted by the Jews, have excited a virtual epidemic of unreason, exploiting the ignorance and irrationality of the proletariat, including, of course, the many persons whose minds were sabotaged by "Liberal" hokum-peddlers in the public schools. And the imposture is furthered by a passel of "creation scientists," who, having learned a smattering of scientific terminology, use it to help the big swindlers excite belief in the foolish tales of the great Jewish hoax called Christianity. Given the spell this nonsense casts over minds that prefer to emote rather than think, and the political power of masses in an ochlocracy when they are stampeded by their masters, we may be heading for a new and more terrible Dark Age.

In the hope of counteracting the epidemic, the Smithsonian Institute has paid a proper tribute to the genius of Charles Darwin by preparing and publishing a popular summary of the evidence for biological evolution in a handsomely illustrated book entitled Thread of Life (distributed by Smithsonian Books, P.O. Box 10229, Des Moines, Iowa; $27.50 + $1.89).

The text, skillfully written for the average reader by Dr. Roger Lewin, who is identified as a Briton, represents the consensus of the biological scientists on the staff of the Smithsonian, and the subtitle is "The Smithsonian Looks at Evolution.''

One does not expect in such a work new hypotheses or the announcement of new discoveries. I read the work with an eagerness to reach the concluding chapter to see how the authors resolved their dilemma. They were to present scientific facts, but as a publicly financed institution, they would have to be wary and avoid antagonizing the "Liberal" fanatics, who, continuing the old Christian habit of Lying for the Lord, are determined to impose righteousness on our race by making our people swallow the Jews' poisonous propaganda about "One World" and the equality of all races that were created to serve Yahweh's Master Race. This necessarily means decreeing that some unnamed supernatural power put a stop to biological evolution fifty thousand years or more ago.

If you will bear in mind the hazards that confronted it, I think you will agree that the Smithsonian extricated itself from its dilemma adroitly. Needless to say, the names of such eminent scientists as Sir Arthur Keith and Professor Carleton Coon do not occur in the text: mention of them is "streng verboten" by the ruling boob-herders. It was not possible to omit the name of Raymond Dart, but surely everyone will have forgotten the wicked indiscretions in Africa's Place in the Emergence of Civilisation (c.1958). Robert Ardrey and Desmond Morris are mentioned for their rational views, but circumspectly followed by a quotation from a "Liberal" gabbler who wants us to abolish war, abolish hunger, abolish poverty, and make the planet a Garden of Eden in which anthropoids will multiply ever faster until there is only standing room for them. But note that Dart, Ardrey, and Morris were mentioned, and enough was said of them to stimulate alert minds.

There is a summary account of selective breeding of mammals, which will surely suggest something to an intelligent reader who agrees with the reminder in the paragraph at the end of the book, that "man remains a part of nature and is still subject to all of nature's laws." To be sure, there is no consideration of the great physical and greater mental and spiritual differences between extant races, but the amazing superiority of the Cro-Magnons, the ancestors of the White race, is duly noted. And if the Smithsonian is silent where we could wish it had spoken, it never commits the crime of affirming the obscene lie about racial equality, although it was doubtless under pressure to do so.

The venerable institution, founded in 1846, has sufficiently helped us by this handsome rebuke to the Jesus-jerks, and we should recognize that in the present periclitation of, and future menace to, all honest scientific research, discretion was the better part of valor.

This article originally appeared in Liberty Bell magazine, published monthly by George P. Dietz from September 1973 to February 1999. For reprint information please write to Liberty Bell Publications, Post Office Box 21, Reedy WV 25270 USA.

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